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BBL Surgery
Brazilian Butt Lift

Do you wish you had a fuller, rounder, and more lifted butt? You’re not the only one - Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is one of the hottest trends in cosmetic surgery right now. According to RealSelf, BBL has a 85% worth it rate, meaning that most people who have done it are thrilled with the outcome. If you’re thinking about BBL, visit our website to learn more about the perks and advantages of this confidence-boosting procedure.

Enhance Your Curves with Brazilian Butt Lift at Beauty by Eda
BBL with Beauty by eda

What is a BBL Surgery?

BBL is a type of fat transfer surgery that aims to enhance the shape and size of the buttocks. It involves removing fat from unwanted areas of the body (such as the abdomen, hips, or thighs) and injecting it into the buttocks. This way, the buttocks become fuller, rounder, and more lifted. BBL can also improve the balance and proportion of the body.

People choose to have BBL for various reasons. Some may want to improve their self-confidence and body image. Some may want to achieve a more curvy and feminine figure. Some may want to correct asymmetry or sagging of the buttocks due to aging or weight loss. Some may want to follow a certain beauty standard or trend. Whatever the reason, BBL can help people achieve their desired aesthetic goals.

However, BBL is not a simple or risk-free procedure. It requires a qualified and experienced surgeon, a careful preparation and recovery process, and a realistic expectation of the results. BBL can also have some potential complications, such as infection, bleeding, fat necrosis, fat embolism, or contour irregularities. Therefore, before deciding to have BBL, it is important to do your research, consult with your doctor, and weigh the pros and cons carefully.

Benefits of BBL

Natural-looking results:

Because the procedure uses your own fat, the results look and feel natural. The fat also integrates with your existing tissues, creating a smooth and seamless transition.


Long-lasting effects:

Unlike fillers or implants, which may need to be replaced or adjusted over time, a Brazilian butt lift can provide lasting results if you maintain a stable weight. The fat cells that survive the transfer will remain in your buttocks for years to come.


Improved body contours:

By removing fat from unwanted areas and adding it to your buttocks, a Brazilian butt lift can improve your overall body proportions and balance. You may also notice that your clothes fit better and more comfortably after the surgery.


Enhanced self-esteem:

A Brazilian butt lift can boost your confidence and self-image by giving you the curves you desire. Many patients report feeling more attractive and satisfied with their appearance after the surgery.

What are some considerations before getting a Brazilian butt lift?

While a Brazilian butt lift can offer many benefits, it is not a suitable option for everyone. Before deciding to undergo this procedure, you should consider some factors such as:


Your expectations:

A Brazilian butt lift can enhance your buttocks, but it cannot change your bone structure or skin quality. You should have realistic expectations about what the surgery can and cannot do for you.


Your health:

You should be in good physical and mental health before undergoing any surgery. You should also avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking certain medications that may interfere with healing or increase bleeding risks.


Your weight:

You should be at or near your ideal weight before getting a Brazilian butt lift. If you lose or gain weight after the surgery, it may affect your results. You should also have enough excess fat in other areas of your body to harvest for the transfer.


Your recovery:

A Brazilian butt lift requires some downtime and aftercare. You will need to avoid sitting or lying on your buttocks for several weeks after the surgery, and wear a compression garment to reduce swelling and support healing. You will also need to follow your surgeon's instructions regarding pain management, wound care, activity restrictions, and follow-up visits.

Types of BBL

Traditional BBL

The traditional BBL is the most common and popular type of BBL. It involves liposuction of fat from areas such as the abdomen, flanks, back, and thighs, and injecting it into the buttocks. The fat is purified and processed before being injected to ensure optimal survival and results. The traditional BBL can achieve a significant increase in buttock volume and projection, as well as a more defined waistline and curves. The traditional BBL requires general anesthesia and has a recovery time of about two to four weeks. The main risks of this procedure are infection, bleeding, bruising, swelling, fat necrosis, and asymmetry.


Mini BBL

The mini BBL is a less invasive alternative to the traditional BBL. It involves liposuction of a smaller amount of fat from one or two areas of the body, such as the lower abdomen or inner thighs, and injecting it into the buttocks. The mini BBL can achieve a subtle enhancement of the buttock shape and size, without changing the overall proportions of the body. The mini BBL can be performed under local anesthesia and has a shorter recovery time of about one to two weeks. The main benefits of this procedure are less scarring, less downtime, and lower cost. The main drawbacks are limited results and the possible need for touch-ups.


Non-surgical BBL

The non-surgical BBL is a minimally invasive option that does not involve any fat transfer or incisions. It involves injecting dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid or Sculptra, into the buttocks to add volume and lift. The non-surgical BBL can achieve a temporary improvement of the buttock contour and firmness, without affecting the natural feel or movement of the buttocks. The non-surgical BBL can be done in an office setting under local anesthesia and has no downtime. The main advantages of this procedure are minimal pain, no scarring, and immediate results. The main disadvantages are high cost, short duration, and possible allergic reactions or complications.


Which type of BBL is right for you?

The type of BBL that is right for you depends on your goals, expectations, budget, and medical history. You should consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in BBL procedures to discuss your options and determine the best plan for you. A skilled and experienced surgeon can help you achieve a natural-looking and beautiful result that enhances your confidence and self-esteem.

BBL Surgery

Step 1: Consultation

The first step of any cosmetic surgery is to have a consultation with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. During this consultation, you will discuss your goals, expectations, and medical history with your surgeon. They will examine your body and assess your suitability for the procedure. They will also explain the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the BBL procedure, and answer any questions you may have.


Step 2: Preparation

Before the surgery, you will need to follow some instructions from your surgeon to prepare yourself. These may include:

- Stopping smoking at least two weeks before and after the surgery
- Avoiding blood-thinning medications and supplements
- Arranging for someone to drive you home and stay with you for the first night
- Fasting for a certain period of time before the surgery
- Wearing loose and comfortable clothing on the day of the surgery


Step 3: Anesthesia

The BBL procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia, which means you will be asleep and not feel any pain during the surgery. However, in some cases, local anesthesia with sedation may be used instead. This means you will be awake but relaxed and numb in the areas where the surgery is performed. Your surgeon will discuss with you the best option for your case.


Step 4: Liposuction

The BBL procedure involves two main steps: liposuction and fat transfer. Liposuction is the process of removing excess fat from other parts of your body, such as your abdomen, hips, thighs, or lower back. This fat will be used later to inject into your buttocks.

To perform liposuction, your surgeon will make small incisions in the areas where the fat will be harvested. They will then insert a thin tube called a cannula through these incisions and use suction to remove the fat cells. The amount of fat removed will depend on your body type and your desired outcome.


Step 5: Fat Processing

After liposuction, the fat that has been removed will be processed and purified. This involves separating the fat cells from other fluids and impurities using a centrifuge or a filtration system. The goal is to obtain pure and viable fat cells that can be safely injected into your buttocks.


Step 6: Fat Transfer

The final step of the BBL procedure is to inject the processed fat into your buttocks. Your surgeon will make three to five small incisions around your buttocks and use a syringe or a cannula to inject the fat into different layers and areas of your buttocks. They will use their skills and artistry to create a natural-looking and symmetrical shape that matches your body proportions.


Step 7: Closure

Once the fat transfer is completed, your surgeon will close the incisions with stitches. They will also apply bandages and a compression garment over your treated areas. The compression garment will help reduce swelling, bruising, and bleeding, as well as support your new shape.


Step 8: Recovery

The BBL procedure usually takes between two and four hours to complete. After the surgery, you will be taken to a recovery room where you will be monitored until you are ready to go home. You may experience some pain, discomfort, swelling, bruising, and numbness in your treated areas. Your surgeon will prescribe you some painkillers and antibiotics to help you cope with these symptoms.


You will need to follow some post-operative care instructions from your surgeon to ensure a smooth and safe recovery. These may include:

- Avoiding sitting or lying on your buttocks for at least two weeks
- Sleeping on your stomach or sides
- Using a special pillow or cushion when sitting
- Wearing the compression garment for six to eight weeks
- Avoiding strenuous activities and exercise for four to six weeks
- Keeping the incisions clean and dry
- Attending follow-up appointments with your surgeon


Step 9: Results

The results of the BBL procedure are not immediate. You will need to wait for several weeks or months for the swelling and bruising to subside and for the fat cells to settle in their new location.  The final outcome of your Brazilian butt lift may take several months to appear, as some of the injected fat may be reabsorbed by your body. You may need more than one session of fat transfer to achieve your desired results. You should follow your surgeon's instructions for post-operative care and recovery, which may include wearing a compression garment, avoiding sitting or lying on your buttocks for a few weeks, and sleeping on your side or stomach.


A Brazilian butt lift can boost your self-confidence and make you feel more attractive in your clothes. However, it is important to have realistic expectations and understand the risks and limitations of the procedure. A Brazilian butt lift is not a substitute for exercise or a healthy diet, and it cannot correct sagging skin or cellulite. You should also choose a qualified and experienced surgeon who can perform the procedure safely and effectively.

BBL Recovery

The First Week

The first week after your BBL is the most critical and challenging period. You will experience swelling, bruising, soreness, and stiffness in both the donor and recipient areas. You will need to wear a compression garment 24/7 to reduce swelling and support healing. You will also need to avoid sitting or lying directly on your buttocks for at least two weeks, as this can damage the transferred fat cells and compromise your results. You should sleep on your stomach or side, and use a special pillow or cushion when you need to sit for short periods of time. You should avoid any strenuous activity or exercise, but you should walk around every few hours to promote blood circulation and prevent blood clots. You will need to take pain medication and antibiotics as prescribed by your surgeon and follow their instructions on wound care and hygiene. You will have a follow-up visit with your surgeon within a few days of your surgery to check your healing progress and remove any drains or stitches.

After Two Weeks

By the second week, you should notice some improvement in your swelling, bruising, and discomfort. You may be able to resume some light activities and return to work if your job does not involve sitting for long periods of time. However, you should still avoid putting pressure on your buttocks and continue wearing your compression garment as instructed by your surgeon. You should also avoid driving until you are cleared by your surgeon, as this can put stress on your buttocks and affect your reaction time. You should keep walking regularly and drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and excess fluids from your body.

After Three Weeks

By the third week, you should see more visible changes in your buttock's shape and size. You may be able to sit normally for short periods of time with the use of a pillow or cushion, but you should still limit sitting as much as possible. You may also be able to start some gentle exercises such as walking, cycling, or swimming, but you should avoid any high-impact or strenuous workouts that involve your lower body. You should continue wearing your compression garment for at least 12 hours a day until advised otherwise by your surgeon.

After Four Weeks

By the fourth week, you should feel more comfortable and confident with your new buttocks. You may be able to resume most of your normal activities and routines, including driving, working, and socializing. However, you should still be cautious about sitting for long periods of time and avoid any activities that put excessive pressure or friction on your buttocks. You may also be able to increase the intensity of your exercises gradually, but you should always listen to your body and stop if you feel any pain or discomfort.

After Three Months

By the third month, you should have a good idea of what your final results will look like. Most of the swelling and bruising should have subsided, and about 60% to 80% of the transferred fat cells should have survived. Your buttocks should look fuller, rounder, and more lifted, and complement the rest of your body proportions. You may be able to stop wearing your compression garment completely and enjoy wearing different types of clothing that accentuate your curves. You should also be able to resume all types of exercises without any restrictions.

After Six Months

By the sixth month, you should have reached the peak of your results. Your buttocks should look natural and stable, and reflect the changes that you desired from your BBL surgery. You should maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise to preserve your results and prevent weight fluctuations that can affect them.

After One Year

By the one-year mark, you should celebrate your BBL journey and appreciate how far you have come. Your results should be long-lasting and semi-permanent, as long as you do not experience any significant weight changes or pregnancy in the future. You should continue following up with your surgeon annually to monitor your results and address any concerns or questions that you may have.

BBL Risks and Complications

Some of the common risks and complications associated with BBL are:

- Prolonged swelling: Swelling is normal after any surgery, but it may last longer than expected after BBL. This can affect the final outcome and appearance of the buttocks. Swelling can be reduced by wearing a compression garment, avoiding strenuous activities, and elevating the legs.
- Skin necrosis: This is a rare but serious complication that occurs when the skin tissue dies due to a lack of blood supply. Skin necrosis can result from infection, poor wound healing, or injecting too much fat into one area. Skin necrosis can cause pain, foul odor, and disfigurement. It may require surgical removal of the dead tissue and skin grafting to repair the defect.
- Fat necrosis: This is another rare but serious complication that occurs when the fat tissue dies due to a lack of blood supply. Fat necrosis can result from injecting fat too deep into the muscle or injecting fat into areas with poor blood circulation. Fat necrosis can cause hard lumps, pain, inflammation, and infection. It may require surgical removal of the dead fat and revision of the BBL.
- Contour irregularities: These are aesthetic complications that occur when the fat is unevenly distributed or absorbed by the body. Contour irregularities can cause dimpling, lumpiness, asymmetry, or sagging of the buttocks. They can be corrected by massage, liposuction, or additional fat grafting.
- Blood clots: These are life-threatening complications that occur when a blood clot forms in a vein and travels to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary embolism can cause chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, and death. Blood clots can be prevented by moving around as soon as possible after surgery, wearing compression stockings, and taking blood thinners as prescribed by your doctor.
- Nerve damage: This is a rare complication that occurs when a nerve is injured during the surgery or by the injected fat. Nerve damage can cause numbness, tingling, weakness, or paralysis of the affected area. Nerve damage can be temporary or permanent, depending on the severity of the injury.

How to minimize the risks and complications of BBL?

The best way to minimize the risks and complications of BBL is to choose a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who follows the safety guidelines.


These guidelines include:

- Performing a thorough medical evaluation and consultation before surgery
- Using proper techniques and equipment for liposuction and fat grafting
- Injecting fat only into the subcutaneous layer (under the skin) and not into or below the muscle
- Injecting fat in small amounts and in multiple planes to ensure even distribution and blood supply
- Limiting the amount of fat injected to avoid overfilling or pressure on the blood vessels
- Monitoring the patient closely during and after surgery for any signs of complications
- Providing clear instructions for postoperative care and follow-up

In addition to choosing a reputable surgeon, you should also follow these tips to reduce your risk of complications:

- Be honest with your surgeon about your medical history, medications, allergies, and expectations
- Stop smoking at least four weeks before and after surgery
- Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, herbal supplements, or any other substances that can increase bleeding or interfere with healing
- Follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen to maintain a stable weight before and after surgery
- Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and prevent dehydration
- Follow your surgeon's instructions for preoperative preparation and postoperative care
- Report any signs of infection, bleeding, pain, or other problems to your surgeon immediately


BBL can be a rewarding procedure that can boost your confidence and self-esteem by improving your body contour and curves. However, it is not a risk-free procedure and you should be aware of the potential complications that can occur. By choosing a qualified surgeon and following their advice, you can minimize your risk of complications and enjoy your new buttocks safely.

BBL Before and After

Before and after photos of Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedures are a great way to see the benefits of this popular cosmetic surgery. They can show you how BBL can enhance your curves and give you a more voluptuous and attractive figure. By looking at these photos, you can see how BBL can reshape your buttocks and hips and create a more balanced and harmonious body shape. Check out our gallery of before and after photos to see the amazing results that are possible with BBL.

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